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Payroll Frequently Asked Questions
Absence Management
Q: I was absent today, when do I report my absences?
A: You can report your absences as you take them by going to your Employee Center and navigating to the ‘Report and View Absences’ link. Absences should be entered by the 2nd work day of the following month. There are a few exceptions to reporting online and some employees may be required to utilize the paper Absence Request (Timesheet) found HERE.
Q: I have questions about my leave balances. Whom should I contact?
A: You should always contact your department timekeeper first. If the information is unobtainable or the issue is not resolved, the timekeeper should call the Payroll Office.
Q: How do I submit my Jury Duty substantiation form?
A: Please email your Jury Duty substantiation form from the Court to once you have completed service.
Q: Why do I receive so many emails regarding entering my absence time?
A: The Payroll Services office sends out four absence related emails each month:
- Reminder for all employees to enter their absences or No Leave Taken
- Reminder for all absence approvers to approve the time in their areas
- Second Reminder to all employees who have not entered their absences or No Leave Taken
- Second Reminder to all absence approver’s who have not yet approved the time in their areas
Q: I am an academic faculty member who is not required to enter time each month if I have not taken any leave. Why am I receiving these emails?
A: The emails are sent to all employees as a reminder. We are unable to only send them to select groups.
Address Change
Q: I moved this year. How do I change my address?
A: All employees need to change their address with the Payroll Office. If you update only your department and the Benefits Office, this will not update the state payroll system.
- You can change your address by navigating to your Employee Center and reviewing your Personal Information Summary. From there, you can update your home address.
- You can also update your address by completing the Employee Action Request form located in the Payroll Forms. This form can be emailed to your payroll technician. Please use your Employee ID number instead of your social security number if you are submitting the form via email.
Paycheck Direct Deposit
Q: How can I sign up or change my paycheck direct deposit account information?
A: Effective 01/13/24, use Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office.
For instructions, log in to ServiceNow using your SacLink account, then select an article to view:
Paycheck direct deposit enrollments and changes may take four to six weeks. A paper check may be issued while the State Controller’s Office establishes a new account or changes an account. Please check with your Payroll Technician for confirmation.
Q: How can I cancel my paycheck direct deposit?
A: Contact your payroll technician to cancel your direct deposit.
If you are having banking issues and need your direct deposit cancelled immediately, please contact your Payroll Technician as they can contact the State Controller’s Office to request an administrative cancellation.
Employment Verification
Q: I am applying for home loan/rental application. How would I go about receiving an employment verification?
A: Information on verifications can be found on the Employment Verification page.
Q: It’s payday! Where can I pick up my check?
A: Checks are delivered to the Bursars Office on campus and are disbursed on certain dates and times. Please see the Bursars Office web page for details as there may be variances.
Q: Can I have my check mailed?
A: Yes. Please complete the ‘Temporary Mailing of Paychecks’ Acrobat Sign form located here. The checks will be mailed to the ‘Home’ address listed in your Personal Information Summary in your Employee Center. Please be sure to review your address and make any changes prior to submitting the form.
Q: My payment has changed/looks off. Whom can I contact?
A: Please locate your Payroll Technician here. They will be able to assist with your questions/concerns.
Q: What is this deduction on my check?
A: Have you recently signed up for a TSA, Dependent Care or other benefit? Do you owe the University or another State or Federal Agency money? Did you receive moving expense monies that you are now being taxed on? These are just a few of the reasons that you will find an additional deduction on your pay stub. Please contact your Payroll Technician for more information.
Q: I have direct deposit and need a copy of my pay stub, what can I do?
A: Use the Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office. For instructions, log in to ServiceNow using your SacLink account, then select an article to view:
Q: I've lost/destroyed my paycheck. What do I do?
A: Please contact your Payroll Technician. They will submit paperwork to the State Controller’s Office to stop payment on the paycheck and request its reissuance. This process may take two to three weeks to complete.
Q: My paycheck was mailed, but I never received it. What can I do?
A: Please check your ‘Home’ address in your Employee Center. Paychecks are mailed to that address. If it is correct, please contact your Payroll Technician. They will submit paperwork to the State Controller’s Office to stop payment on the paycheck and request its reissuance. This process may take two to three weeks to complete.
Q: I will be leaving town prior to payday, can I pick up my check early?
A: No. State Controller Guidelines mandate that under no circumstances do we release paychecks prior to payday.
Q: How do I get a refund of my contributions to the various retirement accounts upon separation from the University?
A: If you have contributed to PERS, the refund form (Disposition of CalPERS Funds) can be obtained by contacting your Payroll Technician. All other refund requests are processed through the Benefits Office
Separation Process
Q: I will be separating from the University. What are the check-out procedures?
A: Information on separations can be found on the Separation Process page.
Q: How do I change my tax withholdings?
A: You can change your tax withholdings by completing and submitting a Employee Action Request (std. 686) , located in our Payroll Forms. Payroll has deadlines set by the State Controller's Office. Submitting a change request close to payday will not always result in the change being reflected on that months check.
The form can be returned to your payroll technician via email. For better security, please use your Employee ID number instead of your Social Security Number when completing the form.
*Note* Effective 1/1/21, there is a new Employee Action Request form. This form was changed to reflect current W-4 requirements. Each field will need to be reviewed and completed. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully when completing the form. If you have tax questions, please refer to a tax specialist. The Payroll Office is not authorized to offer tax advice.
Q: If I file "exempt" from tax withholding, does that status last until I make another change?
A: No, you must re-file your tax "exempt" status every January or it will automatically revert to Single status with 0 allowances.
Q: I want to change my TSA or Deferred Comp. How can I determine the net effect on my check?
A: The State Controller's Office has a downloadable Excel page for this computation called a paycheck calculator. You can find a link to the ‘Net Pay Calculator’ under Quick Links on our Payroll Services webpage.
Union Deductions
Q: I have a question regarding my union deduction. Who would I speak to about that?
A: Union deductions are facilitated by the unions. Please contact your Union for more information.
Q: When are W-2's issued?
A: W-2’s are printed by the State Controller’s Office and mailed by the end of January. They are sent to the most current address on file with the Payroll Office as of December 10th of the previous year.
You can also sign up for Cal Employee Connect (CEC), a service that allows employees the ability to view and print pay stubs and W-2’s. The Form W-2s will be available in California Employee Connect by January 31st.
For instructions, log in to ServiceNow using your SacLink account, then select an article to view:
Q: I've lost or didn't receive my W-2's, what do I do?
A: The physical copy may have been returned to Payroll Services if it is undeliverable. If you need the physical copy, please contact your payroll technician.
You can also sign up for Cal Employee Connect (CEC), a service that allows employees the ability to view and print pay stubs and W-2’s.
For instructions, log in to ServiceNow using your SacLink account, then select an article to view:
Q: I need a copy of a prior year W-2. How do I order one?
A: Use the Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office. For instructions, log in to ServiceNow using your SacLink account, then select an article to view:
If you need prior year W-2 not available on Cal Employee Connect, please visit the State Controllers' web site.