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University Transportation & Parking Services California State University, Sacramento

Support Page Content

How to Register Your License Plate

Your license plate is now your parking permit! Take a picture of your license plate so you have your information ready when you purchase your permit. You will be prompted for a license plate during the permit purchase process. Your vehicle’s license plate is required to purchase a parking permit. You may register up to two (2) license plates to your parking permit. Only one registered vehicle may use a parking permit each day (two registered vehicles cannot be parked on campus the same day).

Add a vehicle to your parking permit

  1. Go to Online Parking Services and login

  2. Click ‘Permits’

  3. Click ‘View Your Permits’

  4. Click the permit number of your active permit

  5. Click ‘Add Vehicles to Permit’

Need Help? Email or call (916) 278-7275

Remove a vehicle from your parking permit

If you need to remove a vehicle from your permit, contact UTAPS and a staff member will assist you with its removal.

Contact: Email or call (916) 278-7275